Kathy Newman, The Essential Healer, UK and Internationally. Energy Medicine
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This is a positive place to come and experience like minded people who want to raise their own vibe as well as the world. These times have felt overwhelming at times, and the news and fear around us can force us to question life. So I felt pulled to create a safe space for us all to raise a higher consciousness that will spread out to the world. These are extraordinary times, and I see it as an amazing chance of awakening us all to our potential. I'll be doing lives, meditation, and happy, positive, uplifting webinars to guide you all into a happy, positive, healing space x
Finding me, so you can find you!
My own Spiritual journey began as a teenager when I started questioning events that were happening in my life, and how was it that some people just seemed to have an easy, luck filled life, but somehow I never felt comfortable in my own skin. I could never explain this to anyone, and certainly never felt comfortable talking to anyone about it, but it took me to a dark place where I even had suicidal thoughts.....I didn't think that anyone would miss me. How wrong I would have been if I had taken that tragic leap! I can only say this now after a great many years of working on myself through energy work, and what a transformational rollercoaster it has been!
I want to share this work with you, helping you to reach a place of truly finding yourself, your path, the truth of who you really are. There is a beauty that shines within us all, and I'm here to guide you towards it.
With huge amounts of love and high vibes xx