Kathy Newman, The Essential Healer, UK and Internationally. Energy Medicine
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Welcome to doTERRA!
Congratulations on joining the doTERRA oily community! Now that you have received your oils, let us help you get the caps off and use them as your natural daily solutions. Below are some common questions that arise for new doTERRA members..... ​
​Getting Started
How do I use my new essential oils?
​Using doTERRA essential oils is simple. Open up The doTERRA Essentials book you received with your order. You’ll find usage tips so you can effectively start using what you have. You can also find resources at doTERRA.com to help you learn about application methods and safety tips to gain confidence using your oils.
How do I address my health priorities naturally?
​Download the free Live guide for practical daily habits using doTERRA essential oils and essential oil infused products to help you reach your wellness goals.
Discover solutions to your health needs by browsing body systems, popular wellness topics, and products.
Sign up for free online webinars with the Empowered Life Series to learn about popular essential oil topics from experts on the subject.
How does my purchase make a difference?
​doTERRA creates partnerships with growers around the world, nurturing developing economies and preserving rich agricultural traditions through doTERRA Co-Impact Sourcing®. Each purchase improves the growers’ lives and their communities.
Additionally, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®, doTERRA’s charitable organization, provides funding and resources to create community-based, social-impact projects that improve lives in the larger communities where oils are sourced.
How do I get discounts on my favourite products?
The doTERRA Loyalty Rewards Program makes it easy to receive discounts on your favourite products. Earn 10%–30% back in reward points, which you can redeem for free product. If you want to share doTERRA with the people you care about, consider hosting a class to introduce them to natural options that can change their lives.
How do I connect with others in the doTERRA community?
Follow doTERRA on social media to find out about promotions, upcoming events, educational opportunities, and to meet others who are thriving in the wellness lifestyle.
doTERRA YouTube
doTERRA Essential Oils Facebook Page
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doTERRA Instagram