Kathy Newman, The Essential Healer, UK and Internationally. Energy Medicine
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Health & Beyond
Reshaping the Future of Health & Healing
A Unique Workshop Experience
That Could Change Your Life

Crickhowell Parish Hall
​- Opposite High School -
Mini Workshops
SET 2 - 19th & 20th October 11am to 1.00pm
SET 3 - 26th & 27th October 11am to 1.00pm
Individual dynamic workshops covering topics & tools, including -
Stress Mangement
Blood Pressure & Immunity
Breathwork, Energy & Relaxation
Anxiety & Fear
Mental & Physical Balance
Each workshop will deal with the Physical, Spiritual and Emotional aspects of the topic, leading to a better understand and awareness of the subject. They will not only provide a starting point for those unfamiliar with the complementary disciplines used, but also provide a pathway for those familiar to you, on which to move forward in their own journey to better health and balance in life.
Both Kathy and Rob have a great depth of experience in a wide range of complementary medicine practices, and have worked closely together to bring sensitivity, compassion and empath to every session. You will leave each workshop feeling refreshed, energised and wanting more!
For all abilities!
These 90 minute mini workshops were brought together as a complete set, working towards a better health and life balance. We would love you to get the most out of our events, and a special discount is being offered by you registering for all six, however, we know that time and cost for most people can be an issue, so we have designed the format as 3 pairs of 2 separate 90 minute sessions which work in harmony.
We hope you will join us for at least one set!
The workshop sets are as follows:
1. Balance for Body, Mind and Spirit + Clearing Stress & Tension
2. Energy & Vitality Boost + Improving Immunity & Organ Function
3. Relaxation The Easy Way + Finding Your Inner Happy​
Our intention will be to go deeper into some of the above topics, with much longer, half day workshops, depending on your feedback from the mini workshop events.
Balance For the Body, Mind & Spirit
This workshop will explore the different elements of balance, and give you practical steps you can take to achieve equilibrium in your life. It will be a starting point and a guide, covering awareness, self care, mindfulness, and physical exercises. The workshop will allow you to be more gentle and compassionate with yourself, and to quiet your mind to prevent overthinking. You will leave with the confidence to pursue your own balance of body and mind using the tools we’ll teach you to continue at your own pace at home.

Energy & Vitality Boost
This workshop will teach you 'natural' ways to deal with health issues that have become even more prevalent since Covid, and continues to plague so many people. You will learn how to let go of 'stagnant' energy, and recharge your body with new 'vital' energy leaving the workshop with the knowledge to live a happier, healthier and more joyful life.

Relaxation The Easy Way
People find their relaxation in different ways with most costing money, or include pills & potions. In this workshop you will learn how to relax, without alcohol, sedatives or effort. You will leave with the ability and knowledge to be able to relax both in your mind and in your body, and enjoy peace, calm and quality ‘time-out’ whenever, and where ever you are.

Clearing Stress & Tension
In this ever increasingly chaotic world, it seems to have become a fact of life that stress and tension is just the norm, so in this workshop you will discover simple and effective ways to de-stress, to calm the mind, and reduce the tension in the body. The techniques will help to clear brain fog, to make better decisions in your daily relationships and will lead you to avoid the damaging consequences of continual stress & tension.

Improving Organ Function & Immunity
This dynamic workshop will explore physical movements that benefit and improve the internal organs as well as learning the mental health aspects that need to be in place to support and improve the immune system. You will learn step by step, gentle guided movements that can be practised at home, many of which can be done seated.

Finding Your Inner Happy
Your ‘Inner Happy’ is an emotional state and whilst being ‘happy’ may be different from one person to the next, it is most often described as involving more positive emotions than negative ones. In this workshop we explore some of the ways you can positively influence and balance your emotions to engage with those positive ones and experience those feelings that come over you of joy, contentment and wellbeing.
When you leave you won’t help but smile to yourself and those around you.