Kathy Newman, The Essential Healer, UK and Internationally. Energy Medicine
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This is Me...
A Little Bit About Me!
Even through some very extreme challenges in my life, I always found the inner strength/belief that everything would be ok, and I was safe. We have all found ourselves in challenging situations at times, but don't always have the 'knowing' that we will get through it. I still have my challenges....don't we all, but through working on our past beliefs, our 'blue print' of who we think we are, we can move forward into a brighter, healthier, happy life, with a power that makes us unstoppable. That doesn't mean we won't find ourselves in difficult situations, it just means that we will handle them in a more loving way, without anger and frustration, and with new personal tools that can change a past belief of 'here we go again', to 'I can do this'! Don't let your PAST 'story' rule your FUTURE 'story'
Natural health and wellbeing is about detoxing your life from past emotions that can be creating mental and physical pain, holding onto weight, mental health issues or maybe you just need to change your life's path to something that feels more exciting and less stressful! There has never been a greater need to start taking back control of your own health and wellness using natural alternatives to true lasting healing through.....
Newmans Renewal
A gentle layering of the purest essential oils along the spine. Altogether there are 16 different protocols that can be used with a variety of different beautiful oils depending on what your body needs, followed by a lovely calming Energy Healing and Reflexology whilst you relax and let the essential oils do their work
Reiki Master and Reconnective Healing
A beautiful flow of healing energy between myself and you, supporting the body to natural self healing​
Becoming Limiteless Coaching
A wonderful way to get started on your healing journey with a Health Scan to get started followed by an easy chat about where you are now and where you would like to be....whatever that is for you
I have also trained in:
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping)
CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
Kinesiology (Muscle Testing)
Life Coaching