Then it's time to take back control!
I feel your pain, I've been there, and I remember every ache and discomfort when I rolled over in bed, every twinge when I got in and out of a chair, the brain fog from lack of sleep, and the incessant clicking and burning sensation of a pull on a muscle, ligament or tendon as you made your way through the day. It doesn't matter what age you are, it's the same pain in a different unique form for everyone, and affects every part of your life, which in turn can cause frustration, depression, anxiety and even suicidal thoughts.
I'm here to tell you that it doesn't have to be that way! Yes, really! It takes one decision to start making changes, and suddenly, out of the blue, you remember a pain you used to have, and it isn't there anymore. What happened, where did it go? Well, let's dive deeper......
Firstly, did you know that around 95% of pain, illness and disease can be caused by our emotions and stress? That means, that about 5% only is a physical issue. Amazing, huh! When I first found this fact out many years ago, I was blown away, because that means it's something that we can potentially heal ourselves - taking back control of our own health and life - and if you're taking tablets, then this is going to be great news for you, the pontential to come off all or some of your medication (with your Doctor's support), how wonderful would that be?
1 - Get Moving
It doesn't matter how small, but it is paramount that you move your body. I used to take short gentle walks, whatever the weather, no matter what my head was saying, no matter how I felt, I would do it anyway. Don't lie there in bed in the morning running through a whole load of reasons why you shouldn't or can't, but instead, lie there thinking about all the reasons why you absolutely should! Stretch your body as much as you can, without causing pain, just be gentle and don't over stretch yourself - just move, whatever you can do. My biggest motivation is great music, that always gets me going and lifts me up.
2 - Self Talk/Love
How did you feel when you read that sub heading? When I'm working with my clients, the faces they pull when I talk about self love! Don't you have to love yourself first, before others can love you? Absolutely - one of the main reasons why we are in pain, is we don't care or love ourselves, putting everyone or everything before us. I bet you're nodding your head right now? If you're a woman, then you'll know exactly what I'm talking about, but usually when we put everyone else before ourselves we begin the emotional rollercoaster that creates changes in our body, which creates pain. We leave no time for our health and wellbeing. So, it's time to get uncomfortable and start falling in love with 'You', because 'You' matter.
3 - Nourishing
Do you spend time nourishing yourself from the inside out? Looking at the foods you consume day in day out - sugar, gluten, meat, dairy, and at what time of the day are you eating these foods? What about your skin? Have you read the ingredients on the make up you use or the lotions and potions you slap on everyday without even knowing what those ingredients are! If you're interested in finding out more, download the Think Dirty app, you'll be horrified at what's in your daily products!!
If you're ready for toxin free, vegan, cruelty free skincare, then follow this link to find out more
4 - Getting Back to Nature
There's beauty all around us - parks, woodland, lakes, rivers, beaches, mountains, so there's no excuse to not to go and hug a tree, meditate in a park, dip your toes into the sea or go wild swimming in a lake or river. I love walking through an ancient forest, feeling the energy around the trees, the smell of the leaves, the birds singing, the peace you feel is beyond words. Take a picnic or a flask of tea and do some Forest Bathing - Forest Bathing is the English translation of the Japanese term ‘Shinrin-yoku’. To better understand this entire concept more accurately, it means ‘spending quality time, under the canopy of trees, in a forest, for health and wellbeing purposes’. Perfect.
5 - Essential Oils for Pain
I 'm not talking about just any old essential oil, I'm talking about one of the purest essential oils you can buy, that found me on my Fibromyalgia healing journey, and I still use them everyday as a natural solution to cleaning my home without toxins, helping with aches and pains, in a diffuser instead of toxic candles, getting rid of pests in my garden without using toxic chemicals, I use them on my pets and I have a local GP that recommends me to her patients - yes, she uses them!
Your liver is the hardest working organ in your body, and if you want to live a strong, healthy life, then you need to take care of it. It loves you, that's why it takes care of you, and you mistreat it nearly everyday with past emotional trauma's, the foods you eat, the time you eat, the toxins around you, the drugs you take (yes, prescription drugs are toxic), toxins in your household products and skincare routine! If you'd like to find out more about the oils I us, click on the link Also, look out for my new class on pain coming very soon!
6 - Positive Affirmations/Vision Board/Gratitude Journal
This changed my life! Have you tried any of them? It's everywhere right now, and it really does work. However, if you don't do this right, then nothing will change and do you know why? Emotion! If you are just saying the words, or writing the words, without emotion behind it, it just won't happen. It's like getting out of bed to get ready for work and hitting your toe on the end of the bed! The rest of the day seems to end up going the same way. Perhaps the sun is shining through the window, your partner brings you up a cup of tea and the cat is purring on your lap, the rest of the day is a breeze! Get it now? You walk into a room where a couple have been arguing, and you just want to get out of there, do get it now? How you start your day matters to how the rest of the day will go. Our emotions will create every moment of every day. To start your positive affirmations, close your eyes and repeat the affirmation until a lovely feeling comes through, using a image can help with this, or just writing about all the things you are grateful for that day - as many things as you can think of, and do it with a big smile on your face.....bet you can't be in a bad mood at the end?! A vision board can work really well too, there's even app's for that! Go here and discover more about Mind Movies
7- Laughter, Happiness and Joy
I believe that laughter is the best form of healing you can do! If you want to create a higher vibration for healing, then laughter, happiness and joy is where it all happens.......really! Watch great comedies, dance around the room with the best uplifting music, sing at the top of your voice, drive along with the top down (windows down works just as well!), watching a baby giggling, you can find humour and happiness in so many things when you look for them......unless you prefer to look for the problems? Watch your thoughts, watch your words, smile more (even when you don't feel like it), be kind to yourself and others, give to yourself and others.......and on and on it goes......woohoo! Happy, happy, happy! Here's your dose of Laughter