Sharing my journey

Fasting isn't new to me as I've been doing intermittent fasting for a while now, and then brought in TRE (Time Restricted Eating) which is fairly new, where you eat between a certain time to give you body a break to heal. I like to do the 16:8 where you fast for 16 hours and eat within the 8 hours. There's lots of really interesting scientific studies around for you to look at for fasting and TRE, so feel free to research some of these yourself, but I will put a couple of links at the bottom of this blog to help you get started. However, a few weeks ago I discovered Volter Longo and his book 'The Longevity Diet' which I read excitedly over a weekend, I just couldn't put it down. I was even more intrigued by the fasting process taking your body into autophagy, which is a vital process in which the body’s cells “clean out” any unnecessary or damaged components. Researchers have now linked autophagy to several positive health effects.
My why?
My Mum developed dementia from the age of 60 when she had a TIA (mini stroke) due to a leaky heart valve. She had been having palpatations for many years, which started in her 50's, but had been told by the GP that it was the Menopause - no tests were carried out! So, when the palpatations got worse, she didn't go back the GP, because she believed that it was the Menopause, and didn't like to make a fuss. Unfortunately, by the time she had her first TIA, it was too late to do anything, and we painfully watched as the mum and wife we knew and loved so much, slowly disappear, until she died at 75, not knowing who any of us were for many years before that. She became my catalyst to learn more about women's health and wellbeing. Learning how to take back that control, and learn how to recognise when something isn't right in our body's, and not to just accept when we are told 'it's just your age'. I hear this too often from my clients, and it breaks my heart. We are incredible, amazing, wonderful women, and we have so much to give to the world, let's stand up and do this together.
I've been researching, reading, doing courses and experimenting with natural ways to heal the body for at least the past 25 years, becoming a Reiki Master, Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Advanced Aromatherapist, Life Coach and a Transcendental Meditator. I had been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and anxiety myself after many years of emotional challenges, so decided it was time to do some serious work on myself, now being symptom free and very few problems with the menopause. You probably know now why I chose to specialise in women's health and wellbeing, I get so much joy supporting my wonderful clients to recognise their inner beauty through nourishing themselves, letting go of past emotions using medicinal essential oils, energy healing and consultations and coaching to help with this process, as well as working on inflammation within the body causing pain and a multitude of illnesses. This is my Life's Path and my passion!
Taking the plunge
Having discovered the incredible benefits of a 5 day fast, I absolutely had to take the plunge, I want amazing health and longevity, so here I go....
My last meal is at 4.00pm on Sunday evening - a vegetable risotto made with brown rice and a long glass of filtered water. I have a calm week ahead, which is why I wanted to begin this on a Sunday evening, so that I could enjoy a meal with my partner on Friday after work, ready for a fun packed weekend. It's much easier when you plan it, so that it fits in with your social life etc.
I have a 750ml bottle of filtered water that I keep next to my bed, so I drink 500mls as soon as I wake up. I feel really excited to see how this week is going to feel, and enjoying the idea of not having to think about and plan food! I do my meditation before getting out of bed and begin my ritual of tidying the house, having a cup of tea whilst sitting in the garden and writing in my journal and then planning my day. I'm still not feeling hungry. I'm having a lot of hot flushes through the afternoon (I'm going through the menopause!) and I can feel a headache coming on, other than that I feel ok. I'm having organic tea in unbleached bags, organic black coffee, herbal teas and I have several bottles of filtered water around the house, so there's no excuse not to drink lots! Around 1.00pm I have a veggie stir fry - just veg and olive oil with lemongrass and ginger, then a handful of mixed nuts at 3.00pm, then some raw veggies to snack on around 4.00pm. I'm still not hungry, but my headache feels worse and I can feel a lot of tension in my neck. I enjoyed my evening meditation at 5.00pm, followed by a lovely gentle walk through the woods with my partner and our dog, my headache has now eased.
I wake up feeling really good, no headache and I slept really well. I drink my 500mls of filtered water and I'm still not feeling any hunger. I had some raw veggies around 10.00am before heading off for a Reflexology session with the lovely Sarah Churchward, time for Me! I recognised with her help that I need to spend more time on Me, caring about Me, loving who I am, this is vital for a long healthy life too! I had another 500mls of water after the session. Back home for my veggie stir fry and a cup of coffee. Still not hungry, or missing food, strangely! A little bit of a headache in the evening, but that cleared after a lovely meditation and walk in fresh air in the evening, very tired now and ready for bed.
Woke up around 5.00am, not a very good sleep, but I'm ok, just not feeling energised, but my meditation helped with that! 500mls of water to start the day before my daily cuppa and my journaling. A handful of mixed nuts around 11.00am, then I made a basic veggie marinara with lots of herbs. Didn't fancy anything else to eat that day, so it was a lovely relaxing walk through woods and waterfalls before bed. Still not hungry and no headache today, so that feels good. Can't believe I'm not feeling any hunger at all, I think it must be all the water.
Felt a bit like 'jelly' this morning, but I had a really good sleep and I had my 500mls of filtered water, but definitely felt like I needed something to eat. I also got on the scales and had lot 3 lbs, so I decided to add some more calories with extra veggies through the day.....I never mind eating raw veggies, so it's easy for me, so this is an easy addition if I need them. I felt a lot better after that. I also had my 5 month old grandson all day, so he kept me very busy! I'm still not feeling hungry and I'm definitely sleeping really well, but my hot flushes have increased over the last few days, but I think this maybe a bit of a detox.
Friday (countdown!)
Woke up feeling like 'jelly' again, weighed myself and have now lost 4 lbs, which is great, but I know that I can lose weight quite quickly, so I knew to add extra calories again this morning. I also have this wonderful feeling of calm, a lovely way to start my meditation. At 10.00am I had a 2 egg omelette with mushrooms and spinach, then at 2.00pm I had my usual veggie stir fry with some Ras El Hanout sprinkled over the top. My fast finished at 4.00pm, so dinner was a mediterrean salad with chopped up feta - bliss! I feel invigorated, my mind is clear and I'm only having a couple of hot flushes, now that's a great result!
I've gone through the weekend being sensible with my eating and just being gentle with myself, so I haven't thrown myself back to the way I was eating before, and I still feel calmer, cleansed, clear headed and thrilled to have lost 4lbs. All in all I'm really happy with the results. I found it much easier than I thought it would be, and it was nice to not be organising food all the time. It's a new way of thinking, and a definite lifestyle change. I don't think there would be much point in doing this, then going back to your old eating habits, so you have to embrace this new way of thinking and totally embrace your new life.
I am now going to be much more focused on a Mediterranean diet since doing this fast, and have chosen to continue with eggs but not to have cows cheese, and have Feta and Halloumi instead, with real full fat Greek yoghurt for friendly gut bacteria. As I said before, I can lose weight quite quickly and I find these help maintain my weight and muscle mass. We should all minimize bad fats and sugars and maximise good fats and complex carbs. I really did enjoy doing this and will certainly do it once or twice a year now to keep me on track. It's a really good way of reminding the body and ourselves that we tend to eat more than we need. I would also recommend taking a really good multivitamin and mineral supplement by a reputable company, where quality control ensures appropriate supplement content and stability. The majority of us are lacking in Vitamins D, E, A, K, magnesium, calcium and potassium, so these need to be topped up.
One other very important thing to note about health and longevity, is not just about what we put in our bodies, but also about eliminating as many toxins within your home environment as you can (a blog about this is coming next!) Toxins are another huge influence on how our bodies age, Alzheimers, Cancers Heart Disease etc. So don't underestimate the harm that they can do to your body.
Spirituality, happiness, joy, kindness, socialising, meditation and a belief in something higher than ourselves is a very powerful tool to the body and mind, just look at the people in Okanawa
Keeping you motivated on a fast
1 - What's your why?
2 - What will keep you going and not give up?
3 - Will you have support?
4 - Get food ready in the fridge for family to help themselves, so you don't have to!
5 - Treat this time as a re-treat, and acknowledge how amazing you are.
6 - Take walks in nature, breathing in the clean air, sitting quietly by your favourite tree, and feeling gratitude for your life
If you need my support, I am here for you xx
My journey will be different to yours, as we are all so unique, so make sure you do your homework first, know what you're doing, but if you have any underlining health issues, please do have a chat with your medical professional first. I'm a fit healthy 56 year old with no underlying problems, so please be sensible.
Here's a link to the Multivitamin and Minerals that I take - but do your own research by all means. Please ask me if you'd like to know more.