Changing your vibe in minutes!
Visualisation works most powerfully when you realise that it is already a reality on the unseen level. It's already there - Eckhart Tolle
I mentioned in a post on social media yesterday that healing is an energy that goes far beyond the body - going within is where the magic happens. So what does this mean? I used to get very confused by the Universe being infinite, going beyond time and space, whilst in the next breath being told that I needed to go within. You can see the confusion can't you. The Universe/Nature/Divine/God is all one and the same, it's just energy which is all around us and within us. There's no separation. Can you see the air around you? Can you see your breath as you breathe in and out? No, but it's there in every moment of everyday. We don't question it, it just is. The Universe is the energy that we can feel in moments of absolute bliss - beautiful music, a sunset, the birth of a baby, that deeper happiness and joy that comes over in a wave and takes your breath away in that moment, but when we search for it, it eludes us.
Let's just try something. I want you to close your eyes, take a long deep slow breath, relax your muscles and give yourself a moment to really enjoy the calm before reading on.......
How did it feel? What could you see? What did you notice? Write it down, maybe do it again and see if anything else comes up for you.
When you take the time to close your eyes on the 'chaos' outside of yourself, you can start to sense and feel this wonderful calmness and a beautiful energy running through you and beyond you. This is how easy visualisation is. As you change your vibration/energy during visualisation, you alter the energy field around you. You are sending out a message, a prayer, to the energy field for what you want. Tapping into the Universe for a healing, for happiness, for joy. Your energy/vibration/frequency/information is how you change what's happening in your life. Visualisation will help you to get into that space where the most profound healing can happen. This is where magic happens - and I do like a little bit of magic! I don't know how many times I hear people say that they think positively all the time, but nothing changes. You have to change your vibration to match that positive thought or behaviour, and the best and easiest way is through visualisation - it's where we can get creative, become the child that had no bounderies and could be anyone and do anything. Our inner child is playful, inquisitive, creative, funny, imaginative. Don't we all wish that we had less anxiety and stress in our lives?
Here's the 5 requirements to begin this wonderful, deep process of visualisation
1 - Intention and willingness
2 - Receptivity with an open mind
3 - Exceptance and surrender to what is revealed
4 - Self discipline to take action
5 - Gratitude that you already have what you already need
So let's get started.
Find a place that's comfortable and quiet, sitting or lying down, somewhere you won't be disturbed.
Now I want you to close your eyes and start taking some nice slow deep breaths as you relax into the chair or bed, and as you do this notice any areas in the body that feel tension or tightness, starting from the top of your head and working your way down to the tips of your toes. Feel any tension leaving the body as you relax further, deeper and deeper. Now when you're ready, I want you to gently bring in the intention that you would like to work on, see it as a vision now, with colour and sound, make it as clear as you can, getting in all the detail, it has to feel real for you, keep going until it starts to feel so real that you become emotional. Get excited, it's already here, it's been waiting for you all this time. Give gratitude, really feel the gratitude. Now breathe and stay in the feeling for as long as you need - Enjoy!
I have also done an Intention Visualisation audio if you'd like to click the button below
With love xxx