Realising the power of your words, thoughts and intentions
How are you feeling right now? How did your morning go?
Infact, do you even remenber how your morning went? I'm sure you do from the perspective of your normal routine - get out of bed, have breakfast, do your teeth, go to work taking the same route that you take everyday, seeing the same faces and doing the same job, at least, pretty much.
The majority of us are caught up in repeating the same daily pattern that we have done year after year, and it's difficult to know how to get out of it.....if you want to! However, since the pandamic, when most of us were forced into staying at home, it threw most of us into a state of worry, fear and anxiety. We felt out of control, and some people went out of their minds!! Let's go a little deeper.....
When you feel out of control it affects your whole body, it goes into 'reaction' sending cortisol (the stress hormone) around the body creating a feeling of panic, and illness can quickly follow. But when we go 'out of our minds', it can literally change your entire life! I've know many people take themselves away from their 'normal' life completely, to one you wouldn't recognise, where they have found joy and peace. We've been taught all our life to pretty much live from our left brain, our analytical brain, so that we can survive the world we live in. But what happens when these big events in our lives happen, and we no longer feel in control ,and we struggle to make sense of what's going on. This can happen through illness or life changing circumstances, and most of us can stay in that state the majority of our lives. But what if you take a different approach and see these events as a shift for you to change your mind, go out of your mind, and see this as an opportunity for you to start making different choices, different decisions to awaken the soul within you to a new life with purpose, truth, peace and joy, living from the inside out, instead from the outside in. How would your life look then?
Your words, thoughts and intentions produce the world you see around you, so if this is the case, what if you start becoming more aware of your words, your thoughts and your intentions about yourself? How do you 'feel' about yourself? What words do you use about yourself? How would you like to feel about yourself right now, today, this moment? Not when you've lost that weight or got fitter or found the right partner or job, but right now? Close your eyes, take a moment, take a long deep slow breath and see yourself as the beautiful soul that you already are, but have forgotten over the years.
Everything you see in your life right now is a culmination of all those words, thoughts and intentions about yourself. When you take the time to stop, breathe and love yourself just a little more each time, your world on the outside starts to change, your light shines even brighter, and suddenly your life becomes more about purpose, truth, peace, joy and ultimate freedom.
With love xx
If you're ready to start making a shift, then why not check out my Ultimate Transformation Coaching